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    As a result of the reductions in public spending and impacts of the recent pandemic, Bury Council has to decide how it will reduce its spending significantly over the coming years.
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    Proposals for intermediate care services in Bury that aim to reduce waste and improve the range of services available to benefit more people are being consulted on, and local people are being asked to share their views.
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    A SERIES of 'bench surgeries' have been undertaken so a health watchdog can gauge public reaction to health and social care services.
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    Bury Council is currently reviewing a number of older people’s day services.
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    Have you or someone you care for had your financial assessment carried out through Bury Council?
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    Healthwatch Bury wants to give people an opportunity to have their say about health and social care services while they stay safe.
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    Join us for a coffee and chat in the Outreach Cafe.
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    Share your experiences of using health and social care services.
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    Government eases social care restrictions after booster success.
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    A new weekly drop-in service to help you access local health services and health advice.
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    Join us for a chat about all things health and care related at one of our drop-in sessions or park bench surgeries in March.
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    This project explores how discussions about resuscitation can be improved for relatives and carers who had a conversation about resuscitation with a medical professional on behalf of a family member or relative during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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    New research published today by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) shows that two thirds of unpaid carers view a lower standard of care during the Covid-19 crisis as unacceptable, despite the massive pressures that care services and carers are under.
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    Improving the long term support available for people who have had a stroke in Greater Manchester.
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    People from every corner of Greater Manchester are invited start talking honestly about the future of health and care, as part of the Big Conversation.
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    Health and social care organisations in Bury are currently working on a programme to improve services for adults who have palliative care needs or are in the last year of life and are asking patients and carers to help them shape these changes.
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    St John Ambulance call on you to support us with the delivery of the National Coordination of First Response project, in partnership with NHS England and Improvement.
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    Healthwatch Bury Park Bench Surgeries in July and August.
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    ESOL Advice Open Day to be held at the Mosses Centre on the 5th July.
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    If you are a carer and provide support to someone living with dementia or memory loss (suspected dementia), talk to us about your experiences of services and support in the Bury area.
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    The GM Big Disability Survey is now live.
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    LGBT Foundation’s Pride in Practice LGBTQ+ Patient Experience Survey is open!
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    From October 2022 our drop-in support will be changing to a monthly service.
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    The pressure on urgent and emergency care services has been a big story recently, with significant press coverage of ambulance delays and long waits in accident and emergency departments (A&E).
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    We are working with partners across Greater Manchester to understand how we can improve health and wellbeing.

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    The Care Quality Commission’s (CQC’s) annual assessment of the state of health and social care in England looks at the quality of care over the past year.
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    Our Annual General Meeting is taking place on Tuesday 6th December.
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    Red Rose Social Club meet every Monday afternoon at the Mosses Centre.
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    Information on a monthly sensory play session, trampolining and winter HAF activities.
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    NHS tells patients to continue to access emergency care during industrial action.
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    Regular drop in session to help you access local health services.
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    National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi) would love to hear from you about Learning Disability Day Services in Bury.
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    Join us for a chat about all things health and care related at one of our park bench surgeries.
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    We mark the difference the public has made in improving NHS and social care services.
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    Coronation activities taking place over the bank holiday weekend.
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    The Department of Health & Social Care wants to ensure that visiting is protected and that it remains a priority for health and care providers.
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    Healthwatch in Greater Manchester publish its first Annual Report which highlights their activities over the past year and the impact the independent network has achieved.
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    Healthwatch Bury will be attending various groups in Bury this autumn and winter.
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    We are currently on the lookout for people that could add their valuable skills and experience to our board of directors as we look to build on the work we have been doing and strive for bigger goals.
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    Save the date for the Healthwatch Bury Annual General Meeting 2023.
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    The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has rated Burrswood Care Home in Bury, Greater Manchester, inadequate, and placed it in special measures following an inspection in August.
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    Want your NHS appointment letters to be easy to understand?
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    We would like to invite you to the Healthwatch Bury's Annual General Meeting 2023.
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    Care Rights UK want to hear your experience of reporting poor care to the CQC.
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    Our phone line Christmas and New Year opening hours.
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    ‘Share for Better Care’, a new campaign launched by Healthwatch, aims to help address health inequalities across England
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    Join us for a chat about all things health and care related at one of our park bench surgeries.
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    We look forward to seeing you at one of Park Bench Surgeries or drop-in sessions.
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    The Healthwatch Bury e-bulletin for April 2024.
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    Do you have questions about what Healthwatch does? Want to know what we do with your feedback, or how you can help improve health and social care services? Watch our video to find out.