Healthwatch Bury Mental Health Project GP Experience Report

Following agreement via each GP sector meeting, an online survey was sent out to all the GP practices across Bury. Eight GPs responded to the survey. Healthwatch Bury conclude that it is important to understand the needs of GPs and primary care services.
The comments received from GPs mirror a lot of service user views and needs and the feedback highlights the need to improve available mental health information and training. A lack of timely access to secondary care service is seen as a blockage and a frustration for both GPs and service users.
The report makes 3 recommendations: to develop a structured package of mental health training for GPs and healthcare staff that supports their on-going development; to provide information about services available in local communities to all healthcare staff; and for commissioners and GP practices to strengthen ties with local mental health groups. There are no provider responses contained within the report.
See report here: