Do you have lived experience of managing poor mental health and substance use
GM Cooccurring Conditions Project
The GM Co-Occurring Conditions Project commissioned by GMCA, and the GM ICB has enabled the Big Life Group and Gaddum to work collaboratively across the ten localities in support of the development of a responsive care model reflecting circumstances, demographics and location.
The Big Life Group as project lead has been working with the local authorities to identify current successes and challenges, training needs, recruitment, retention and service provision whilst Gaddum’s input is more closely aligned to the third sector and lived experience.
Coproduction remains a key element of Gaddum’s commitment to bringing people together to innovate and inspire others through the incorporation of a range of lived experiences that are relevant to people, communities and provision.
Using the same principles within this project the following aims will help to shape both the final project outcomes and future service planning by:
- Speaking with individuals across the ten localities to gain their expertise and knowledge across a wide spectrum of people to ensure inclusive practise
- Meeting with established lived experience groups to gain information and look at possible ways to develop stronger links
- Connecting with agencies and organisations across sectors to build partnerships, find ways to collaborate and collect views and perceptions.
- Development of a reference group whilst the project is in process which will be the foundations of a cooccurring conditions coproduction team within Gaddum linking with other groups across the localities via representation from the different areas to build a GM wide network.
People will be renumerated both for sharing their experiences and involvement in any group work, more details can be provided on this.
Your Experience Matters
Ever felt that you would like to be involved in shaping and developing mental health and drug and alcohol services?
Have lived experience of managing poor mental health and substance use which you may know as dual diagnosis or cooccurring conditions?
Want to be involved in sharing your knowledge and expertise to make sure services fit the people that use them?
Gaddum and The Big Life Group are working in partnership with GMCA and GM ICB to develop responsive care services and we need your expertise.
You can be involved in different ways:
- As an individual wanting to share your knowledge
- As a group who would like to participate
Feel up to working with us on an equal basis to design, develop and grow a new group that puts peoples voices first in whatever way is best for you?
To take part or to find out more contact Diane Bracken, Cooccurring Conditions Coordinator:
07442 491 625