Have you used AskMyGP? Tell us about it.

During the pandemic, more people than ever have used AskMyGP to access a GP appointment. But how has it worked for you?
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More and more GP surgeries have been using AskMyGP to allow patients to contact them and to book appointments, as well as giving them a new way of holding consultations remotely.

This new way of doing things has worked well for some people, but not so well for others. We want to know how your experiences have gone.

We have created a very short and quick to fill in survey where you can let us know your views.

Our Bury Healthwatch 100 surveys are a way of telling us your experiences in a way that takes just a few short minutes, but tells us a whole lot about how things are working for those that use them. We can then use what we have found out to find ways to improve them.

Take the survey here:

Create your own online surveys with SmartSurvey.