MedTech pathway consultation and webinar

NHS England and the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) welcome your comments on their proposals for an integrated, rules-based medical technology (medtech) pathway.
MedTech pathway consultation and webinar

NHS England and the National Institute for Health and Care Excellent (NICE) are eager to hear from industry stakeholders, patient groups, carers, NHS trusts and integrated care boards as well as the wider public to inform their proposals for the development of this pathway.

Your responses will be public documents and all, or any part, of a response may be publicly available. If you wish to refer to confidential information in your response, please provide it in a separate document, clearly mark each page ‘confidential’ and send to   

NHS England and NICE are subject to the Freedom of Information Act. While both organisations respect the confidentiality of any information provided to them, you should be aware that we may be obliged to release even confidential information under that Act. Please do not include sensitive personal data in your response.

Responses can only be submitted via the online feedback form on the NHS England engagement portal. If you require any of these documents in an alternative format, please contact

You can join a webinar about the proposals for a new pathway for NHS adoption of MedTech. This will give an overview and provide practical information on how you can comment on the current public consultation.

It takes place on Monday 29 July at 3pm – 4pm register here.

NHS England and the National Institute for Health and Care Excellent (NICE) welcome your comments on the proposals outlined in the consultation document.

The public consultation is open until 15 August 2024 and you can respond by completing the online engagement form

For further information on the consultation please contact: