A strain on sight: Waiting for NHS specialist eye care

Eye care is the busiest outpatient speciality in the NHS in England, and with an ageing population, demand is set to grow further.
According to NHS statistics, of the nearly 59,000 people currently waiting for specialist eye care as of December 2024, only two thirds (66.8%) have been waiting less than the 18-week target set by Government, compared to a target of 92%.
Our research reveals strong public support for greater use of staff in high street opticians, as people bear the brunt of long waiting times for specialist eye care.
We are calling for optician services, including optometrists, to have more responsibility for managing people’s eye care and referring them on for specialist treatment to help cut waiting times. Additionally, actions such as those proposed in the Optometry First model are needed to improve communications and support for people waiting for eye care.