Improving ADHD services for children and young people in Greater Manchester

NHS Greater Manchester wants to improve children’s Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) services and would like to hear from you.
Improving ADHD services for children and young people in Greater Manchester

NHS Greater Manchester want to hear from people living with ADHD, their family members or carers, and also want to hear from anyone working with people who have ADHD in Greater Manchester.

This project is part of a bigger piece of work called our ‘Neurodiversity Programme’ to improve how they care for children with conditions like ADHD and autism.

Get involved

NHS Greater Manchester have worked closely with professionals from health, schools and social care, as well as families, children and young people to understand the issues with services and how to improve them.

Now they want to hear from more families, parents, carers, children and young people and staff to understand what you think about their plans.

There are several ways in which you can have your say, all options will allow you to share your thoughts and experiences, feel free to use one or more of the options:

Complete the survey:

Complete the survey here

Join a lived experience group:

There will be two groups. One for parents, carers and professionals and another for children themselves.

Please be aware that being part of a group will involve attending lived experience meetings. The engagement of the groups is expected to last around 10-12 weeks.

Please contact for more information and to register your interest.

Attend a focus group

The dates will be published on their website soon.


You can email and let NHS Greater Manchester know what you think at:

Want to talk with them instead? Call 07786 673762 to speak to someone from their engagement team, or send via WhatsApp.