Bury’s SEND Strategy

Invitation to take part in an online focus group to shape Bury’s SEND Strategy.
Invitation to take part in an online focus group to shape Bury’s SEND Strategy

Bury Council and local partners are working to identify the outcomes that matter to children and young people with SEN or disabilities to inform the planning and delivery of services and the monitoring of how well services have secured those outcomes. The council want to hear the views of parent/carers of children and young people with SEND.

The Council for Disabled Children (CDC) have been asked to run the sessions, so they are independent and provide an open forum for all to share their views. The sessions will be led by CDC staff.

The sessions will be open conversations which will cover three main questions:

  • What should a good life look like for a child or young person with SEND in Bury?
  • Do the 7 outcomes identified reflect the lives of children and young people with SEND in Bury?
  • How should the 7 outcomes be improved?

There will be two of the same sessions held on Thursday, 14th of September. The sessions will be at: 10am - 11.30am and 6pm - 7.30pm. 

You can register for the focus groups by clicking on the link below. Please make sure to choose one session as the session will be identical. The focus groups will be held on Teams. Register here The password is Bury

If you are unable to join either of the sessions, please complete the very short survey

Any queries contact Kate Thomas at:

