Samaritans’ Small Talk Saves Lives campaign

A little small talk and a simple question like “Hi, where can I get a coffee?” can be all it takes to interrupt someone's suicidal thoughts and could help set them on the journey to recovery.
Small Talk Saves Live

Since launching in 2017, Small Talk Saves Lives has successfully raised awareness within railway stations and other public settings about the need to trust your instincts and start a simple conversation if you think someone might need help.  

But there is more that can be done as only 50% of UK adults said they would feel confident approaching and speaking to someone they don’t know if they were concerned about them in public.

It’s normal to feel anxious about starting a conversation with a stranger. You might worry about saying the wrong thing – but having the confidence to act could help save a life.

Delivered in partnership with Network Rail, British Transport Police and the wider rail industry, the latest phase of Small Talk Saves Lives will run from 21 February to 12 March 2023.

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