Diabetes UK Update - December 2021
Come to the festive Diabetes UK Friends of the North virtual meet-up
On 14 December 2021 Diabetes UK will be bringing together friends across the North (and further afield!) affected by diabetes for a virtual end of year meet up and they’d love for you to be there! The evening event, which will run from 7.30pm until 9pm will be a chance to hear about their work here in the region and across Diabetes UK, what they have planned for the year ahead, as well as an opportunity to reflect on what has been another busy year. Just as importantly this will also be a chance to connect with other people affected by diabetes and you’ll also have some festive fun with their end of year quiz.
If you’d like to go along, please let them know by registering in advance via this link: https://festivemeetup.eventbrite.co.uk
Have you seen Diabetes UK handy Northern signposting resource?
Diabetes UK have pulled together some key information about the different types of information and support they provide across the North of England and put it in a handy A5 resource.
Diabetes UK have refreshed their guide to t2 diabetes
Diabetes UK know there’s a lot to think about when you’ve just been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. That’s why they’ve created this in-depth guide covering treatment, diet, healthy living and the care you’re entitled to. It’s available to download or to order as a free printed A5 guide from our online shop: Your Guide to Type 2 Diabetes - Diabetes UK Shop
NICE draft guidelines recommend wider use of Flash and CGM
Diabetes UK welcome an exciting step forward in their campaign to expand the availability of life-changing diabetes technology, as new proposals for wider access to flash and continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) are released. NICE guideline proposals have been released for adults with type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes, and for children and young people with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes. This is a hugely welcome step towards more people having access to this life changing technology: NICE draft guidelines recommend wider use of Flash and CGM | Diabetes UK
New figures show record increase in childhood obesity since pandemic
On 16 November the latest National Child Measurement Programme figures were published by NHS Digital. They show that obesity rates in both reception-aged and Year 6 schoolchildren in England increased by around 4.5 percentage points between 2019-20 and 2020-21 – the highest annual rise since the National Child Measurement Programme began. They also show that obesity prevalence is significantly higher for children from the most deprived backgrounds, compared to the least deprived. These figures cover the period from September 2020, so are an insight into children’s health during the pandemic and lockdown. The release of the data coincided with a news story from NHS England announcing that children and young people living with obesity are to receive intensive help and support through a pilot of 15 new specialist clinics. Diabetes UK have prepared a web story, which provides a more in-depth look at the figures and our calls to action: New figures show record increase in childhood obesity since pandemic | Diabetes UK
Real SDM project – Teesside University
Researchers at Teesside University are undertaking a study exploring the views of people living with type 2 diabetes and anxiety/depression around engaging in shared decision making with clinicians. They are currently recruiting participants to take part and are asking for help letting people with type 2 diabetes and anxiety/depression know about the study. Participants will need to take part in a recorded online or telephone interview, which should take no more than 1 hour, and will receive a £20 gift voucher for their time. More information is attached and on the Diabetes UK website: Sharing decision making with your healthcare professionals | Diabetes UK. Please contact Rose Watson if you have any questions: r.watson@tees.ac.uk