Caring for Carers from Asian Communities across Greater Manchester What Works?

In 2020 a piece of research into the experiences of carers from ethnic minorities was done as part of an NHS Funded project.
three cartoon people

Are you a Carer for a child or young person with a disability or care for an adult

Do you consider yourself to be of Asian Heritage?

Do you want to improve support for Asian Carers across Greater Manchester?

Are you able and willing to listen and learn and share your experiences of your caring role?

If so....

You could really benefit from a new small group of Asian Carers who will be coming together to plan what needs to be put in place to help Asian Carers better and find out what matters to them.

The group will meet weekly or fortnightly (this will be decided by the group) and you will receive £10 per session for your time and experience. The group will meet mainly online initially so that carers from different parts of Greater Manchester can come together, and we are able to facilitate translation services if required.

If you are interested in being involved either as an individual carer or a member of an organisation working with citizens from an Asian background please get in touch with Sally Holt on

Wraparound Partnership, 109 Portland Street, Manchester, M1 6DN

0161 236 0069 / 07901336912