What support can I get as a carer?

Many people who provide unpaid care are unaware of their rights. If you're an unpaid carer, find out more about the help and support you are entitled to.
What support can I get as a carer

What is an unpaid carer?

An unpaid carer is anyone who provides care without pay to someone they know, often a family member or friend. 

People can become carers suddenly or gradually. Not everyone thinks of themselves as a carer or realises they have taken on this role.

But you don't have to think of yourself as a carer to be able to get support. Caring for someone can affect your own physical and mental wellbeing, so it's important to be aware of the impact it can have on you and of what your rights are.


What support am I entitled to?

If you're an unpaid carer for a friend or family member who isn't able to do day-to-day activities without your support, for example, due to illness or disability, then you may be entitled to help.

To help you access financial and practical support, we share three steps Carers UK suggests you can take.

1. Get a benefits check

Get a full benefits check to see what financial support you may be entitled to. The Carer's Allowance is the primary carer's benefit, but this could also include tax credits, council tax discounts or help with fuel costs.

You can get a personalised benefits check online. It will take about 20 minutes to complete.

Go to the benefits calculator

2. Find out about practical support

Caring for a loved one can be physically and mentally demanding, so it's a good idea to find out from your local council what practical support is available. This support could include equipment to make caring easier or information about local support groups that can help.

All unpaid carers are entitled to a carer's assessment from their local council. This could lead to the carer or the person they are caring for being able to get additional help or support.

Contact adult social services at your local council and ask for a carer's assessment to find out more.

Find my local council

3. Connect with others

Caring can be very isolating, but you can connect with people in similar situations in many different ways. You can find local support groups to attend in person or benefit from the wealth of online forums.

To learn more about your rights, tailored to your situation, take a look at Carers UK's online tools, or check out their online meetups if you fancy a cup of tea and chat. 

Join a meeting


Looking after yourself: top tips

  • Take time to be compassionate to yourself. Make time to do things you enjoy, such as going for a walk, joining an evening class or meeting friends.
  • It can help to speak to people in similar situations, such as by joining a local carer support group. For help finding a support group, email advice@carersuk.org or call 0808 808 7777. You can also join the Carers UK "Care for a Cuppa" online chats.
  • If you're struggling, talk to your GP and tell them how your caring role is affecting your health. They'll be able to offer confidential advice and support.

Further information for carers

Carers UK have a wide range of support, including:

Carers UK also offers a directory of support to help you find local carer organisations and a source of support near your home.

Find out more