1. News -

    Share your experiences of using health and social care services.
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    Share your experience of using care services or being a carer and receive a £20 gift voucher for your time.
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    A new weekly drop-in service to help you access local health services and health advice.
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    Clear, understandable information is important to help you make the right health and care decisions. Join our campaign and have your say on what needs to change.
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    Join us for a chat about all things health and care related at one of our drop-in sessions or park bench surgeries in March.
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    This project explores how discussions about resuscitation can be improved for relatives and carers who had a conversation about resuscitation with a medical professional on behalf of a family member or relative during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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    The Empowered Conversations team has secured National Institute for Health and Care Research funding to run a research trial in Greater Manchester.
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    D-CaFF is a lovely place to meet for people living with dementia their carers, family and friends.
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    Health and social care organisations in Bury are currently working on a programme to improve services for adults who have palliative care needs or are in the last year of life and are asking patients and carers to help them shape these changes.
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    Healthwatch Bury Park Bench Surgeries in July and August.
  11. Advice and Information -

    A new group for those suffering from Memory Loss and their supporters will meet on the 1st Wednesday of the month in Radcliffe.
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    If you are a carer and provide support to someone living with dementia or memory loss (suspected dementia), talk to us about your experiences of services and support in the Bury area.
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    'This is me' is a simple leaflet for anyone receiving professional care who is living with dementia or experiencing delirium or other communication difficulties.
  14. Report -

    The Board met virtually on Tuesday 22nd March 2022
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    The Board met virtually on Tuesday 26th April 2022.
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    This week is both Cervical Screening Awareness Week and Learning Disability Week. To help support women and people with a learning disability to get screened, The Eve Appeal have launched an Easy Read guide to cervical screening.
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    LGBT Foundation’s Pride in Practice LGBTQ+ Patient Experience Survey is open!
  18. Advice and Information -

    The NHS wants to make it easier and safer for patients to get the right treatment when they need it, without waiting a long time to be seen in A&E. Find out what this means for you and your loved ones.
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    This CPD-accredited online course explores the Mental Capacity Act 2005, including best interests decision-making, and how to support people to make their own decisions.
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    A six-week programme for 1.5 hours per week, created for participants to relax, improve their confidence, self-esteem, mental health and wellbeing.
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    Have you or your loved one been left frustrated after struggling to get a GP referral for tests or treatment? You’re not alone.
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    We would benefit from your expertise and guidance to assist in the delivery of this project.
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    The pressure on urgent and emergency care services has been a big story recently, with significant press coverage of ambulance delays and long waits in accident and emergency departments (A&E).
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    We are working with partners across Greater Manchester to understand how we can improve health and wellbeing.

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    Our Annual General Meeting is taking place on Tuesday 6th December.
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    Transport for Greater Manchester are running a series of Safer Transport Network Workshops.
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    Bury gets a visit from Monster Mayhem to show the double danger from Covid and Flu.
  28. Advice and Information -

    Not sure whether you’re eligible for a flu vaccine or how to get it? Read our frequently asked questions.
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    Tips to help you stay well this winter and get the care you need.
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    Healthwatch Bury is currently working on a Primary Care project focussing on access to GP services for those with a sensory loss or physical impairment.
  31. Report -

    The Board met virtually on Tuesday 28th June 2022.
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    The Board met virtually on 27th September 2022.
  33. Report -

    Healthwatch Bury Health Advice and Assistance Programme: Quarter 2 April - June 2022.
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    Healthwatch Bury Health Advice and Assistance Programme: Quarter 3 July - September 2022.
  35. Advice and Information -

    The Accessible Information Standard is mandatory for all organisations that provide NHS or adult social care. Here’s some key information about the accessible communications you should expect from services.
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    The aim of BRAC is to encourage migrants to engage and participate fully in British society.
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    Do you know about your rights to language support in NHS settings?
  38. Report -

    Experiences of Bury LGBTQIA+ community of accessing health and social care.
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    Our annual report, covering our activity and impact over the last year, as well as our vision for the coming year.
  40. Advice and Information -

    Find out the signs and symptoms of monkeypox, what to do if you think you have it and who is eligible for a vaccine.
  41. Report -

    A look at our 3-year joint strategy in Greater Manchester.