1. News -

    First and second dose Covid-19 vaccination clinics.
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    Covid-19 cases steady, but remain very high.
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    The Board met virtually on Monday 25th October 2021.
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    Information about accessing emergency services for deaf, hard of hearing and speech-impaired people.
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    The Prince's Trust are currently offering a range of online and in-person courses to help young people build confidence, develop new skills and gain valuable work experience.
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    Northern Care Alliance recognise the importance of clear communication. The interpretation and translation teams make that easy for patients and visitors who need their support.
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    An informal 'Youth Drop in session' age 10 - 14 year old and live in Radcliffe.
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    Healthy Young Minds has changed its name to Pennine Care CAMHS (child and adolescent mental health services).
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    The Covid-19 pandemic has meant some operations and procedures have been postponed, leading to understandable concern for those waiting. The NHS is working hard to get people seen as quickly as possible.
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    As we head into winter we’re in a better place than this time last year. But Covid-19 has not gone away and we need to do all we can to stop the spread.
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    The latest events and campaigns for November 2021.
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    Healthwatch Bury Drop-in Sessions at local libraries in November.
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    Have you or someone you care for had your financial assessment carried out through Bury Council?
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    Over the last 10 years, Pride in Practice at LGBT Foundation have delivered LGBT inclusion training to over 10,000 healthcare professionals, worked with 780 primary care services, and presented 360 accredited Pride in Practice awards.
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    Healthcare professionals in Greater Manchester are reminding residents about how local pharmacies can help people with minor health concerns quickly and easily as part of Ask Your Pharmacist Week (1-8 November).
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    Bury2Gether’s Listening Ear Helpline providing confidential peer support for parents/carers of children and young people with SEND.
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    First and second dose Covid-19 vaccination clinics.
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    A 2 minute do it yourself self examination guide that could save your life!
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    We would like to invite our members and stakeholders to our Annual General Meeting.
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    First and second dose Covid-19 vaccination clinics.
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    LGBT Foundation, the facilitating organisation for the GM LGBTQ+ Advisory Panel, is currently recruiting for new Panel members.
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    The C-Card scheme is a free and confidential service offering free condom and sexual health information and support to all young people aged 16–25 years.
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    Research consistently shows that the coronavirus pandemic has created conditions for more people to drink more heavily and more often than usual.
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    Self Care Week is the annual national event that raises awareness of what we can all do to improve our physical health and mental wellbeing. This year, the theme is Practise Self Care for Life.
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    News from Bury Carers Hub and Drop-in Sessions for Radcliffe, Prestwich and Bury.
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    While we’ve all been focused on Covid-19, other winter bugs have been arriving in increasing numbers. We’re already seeing plenty of colds, respiratory illnesses and some early cases of flu.
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    We want to hear your views about urgent care in Bury and how you access urgent medical care to make sure you are getting the care and support you need.
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    This very relaxing online course will develop your understanding of how to use Mindfulness as a tool to support your wellbeing.
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    Antibiotics are essential for treating many infections but they’re losing their effectiveness. Bacteria are fighting back by adapting and finding ways of surviving the effects of our medicines.
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    Walk-in Covid-19 vaccinations – no appointment needed.
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    Bury’s immunity boost as Covid and flu jab rollout at full steam.
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    In 2020 a piece of research into the experiences of carers from ethnic minorities was done as part of an NHS Funded project.
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    Long Covid Support was formed by a group of people struggling to recover from Covid-19, who found each other online and have been facilitating international peer support and campaigning in the UK.
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    This year's Carers Rights Day campaign will focus on raising awareness of the rights that unpaid carers have.