1. Advice and Information -

    People in England with complex disabilities, as well as parents and carers, now have the right to accessible information and communication support when using health and social care services.
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    Bury2Gether’s Listening Ear Helpline providing confidential peer support for parents/carers of children and young people with SEND.
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    Contact provide advice and information about any concern a family might have about raising a child with additional needs.
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    We've joined NHS, charity and community leaders to encourage people with a weakened immune system to continue to book in or visit a walk-in centre for their COVID-19 vaccines.
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    The NHS wants to make it easier and safer for patients to get the right treatment when they need it, without waiting a long time to be seen in A&E. Find out what this means for you and your loved ones.
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    Energy Bill Support Scheme and Grant information for nomadic people
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    Not sure whether you’re eligible for a flu vaccine or how to get it? Read our frequently asked questions.
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    Tips to help you stay well this winter and get the care you need.
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    The continuing cost of living crisis is adversely affecting people's physical and mental wellbeing, with vulnerable people and those on lower incomes hit the hardest.
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    Are you worried about your gambling or the gambling of someone close to you?
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    World Immunisation Week, celebrated in the last week of April, aims to highlight the collective action needed and to promote the use of vaccines to protect people of all ages against disease.
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    Living with autism affects people in different ways. It can bring strengths and challenges that can affect how comfortable, healthy, and happy you feel.
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    As we enter Flu season it's important you know what the symptoms of flu are, and what the flu vaccine is, so you can make informed decisions about your health.
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    It’s easy to feel isolated and alone when struggling with Long Covid, but we are here to help to you find the support and treatment you need.
  15. Advice and Information -

    Take a look at what you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccination programme, including where to go and why it's important.
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    Do you struggle to speak to your doctor about your medical concerns? You’re not alone. Take a look at our top tips to make the most out of your GP appointment.
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    The housing how to guide produced by Learning Disability England gives people and their families access to information on rights and choices and will help them plan for what kind of housing is right for them and their family.
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    The Prince's Trust have a range of free courses for 16-30-year-olds.
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    Around one in five GP visits are for non-medical problems.
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    Step-by-step instructions for patients.
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    Information about where and when young people can access support over the festive period
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    SilverCloud offers online programmes for adults (aged 16 years+) to help ease your levels of stress, sleep better or to build resilience.
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    The new Pharmacy First scheme enables your local pharmacy to treat some common conditions with prescription-only medicines, without you visiting your GP. Find out everything you need to know.
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    Parents and carers urged to check children and young people’s measles vaccinations
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    Join us at a group or event in February and March.
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    Drop-in sessions provided by the National Autism Society and the Greater Manchester Autism Consortium.
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    Video guidance showing how to use the NHS App step by step. These videos show you how to navigate the NHS App and use its services.
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    The cost of living crisis has put many people under financial strain, and prescription costs are more than some can afford. Find out what help is out there to help you cover the cost of your medication.
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    The Prince’s Trust next Explore programme starting in June.
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    Take a look at our advice article on the organisations and groups that can support you if you’re grieving.
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    Self-isolation, social distancing and shielding have been introduced by the Government to help you and your loved ones stay safe from COVID-19. Find out what they mean in practice and what applies to you.
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    Take a look about what you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccination programme including how you will know when it's your turn, where to go, and why it's important.
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    Read the latest advice and information from NHS England and Public Health England about the Coronavirus.
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    Take a look about what you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccination programme including how you will know when it's your turn, where to go, and why it's important.
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    Important information to keep you safe while isolating at home.
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    Bury’s health leaders are urging people to remain cautious from Monday 19 July when Covid-19 legal restrictions will be lifted.
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    Let’s act carefully as we take the next step. England has now moved to step 4 of the roadmap with most legal restrictions being lifted.
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    The weekly rate of new cases up to 24 July was 389.5 per 100,000 which was the 9th lowest rate out of the 10 areas in Greater Manchester, and below the average for the North West.
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    The current coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic may cause you to feel worried, anxious, or scared. Read our tips to looking after your wellbeing.
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    Not all COVID tests are the same so it’s important to get the right one. Find out where to go to get tested, which test is most suitable for you, and what to do if you get a positive COVID-19 test result.
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    Bury’s Covid-19 infection rates have fallen once again, although there are signs that the decrease in cases has slowed in recent days.
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    The COVID-19 vaccine is free to everyone in the UK. This includes all migrants.
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    A FREE 40-page booklet that explains how people with Long Covid can safely learn to manage their symptoms and any continuing disability.
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    The number of new cases in Bury fell by 11% in the week up to 14 August. The weekly rate of new cases that week was 287.9 per 100,000. This follows an increase the week before.
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    The number of new cases in Bury fell in the week up to 21 August. The weekly rate of new cases was 265.3 per 100,000.
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    Four British Sign Language (BSL) video’s from Bury Council and NHS Bury.
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    Information regarding the Covid-19 booster and flu vaccine and where you should go to get them.
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    Covid-19 vaccination clinics in Bury.