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    Our phone line Christmas and New Year opening hours.
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    NHSE in the North West region are carrying out a survey to understand peoples’ views around virtual wards.
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    The National Cancer Patient Experience Survey aims to understand the experiences of cancer care across England. Your views will help to improve the quality of cancer services in the NHS.
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    Courses starting with the Princes Trust in January and February.
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    Patient watchdog launch research project to understand the experiences of accessing child and adolescent mental health services across Greater Manchester.
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    ‘Share for Better Care’, a new campaign launched by Healthwatch, aims to help address health inequalities across England
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    Over the coming weeks, hundreds of participants in Bury who enrolled on the NHS-Galleri trial in 2021 will be returning to mobile clinics for their last of three appointments for the trial.
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    Short staffing and underfunding mean children and young people with mental health needs face long waits for essential treatment while racial inequalities in care persist, a report by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) revealed today.
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    Join us for a chat about all things health and care related at one of our park bench surgeries.
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    We look forward to seeing you at one of Park Bench Surgeries or drop-in sessions.
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    The Healthwatch Bury e-bulletin for April 2024.
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    The BHF Data Science Centre has found broad public support for the use of data from smartphone and wearable devices in research.
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    Hundreds of thousands more people a month will have the option to refer themselves for key services such as help with incontinence, podiatry, or hearing tests without needing to see a GP, as part of the NHS primary care access recovery plan.
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    Healthwatch has today published it’s "Pharmacy: what people want" report. The report explores the current state of pharmacy services and offers actions for healthcare leaders and the wider sector.
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    Information on the flu, COVID-19, and whooping cough vaccinations for pregnant women and those planning pregnancies.
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    The Government has launched a consultation on the NHS Constitution, which sets out your rights as an NHS patient. Read why it's important to have your say.
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    This survey is part of some wider work to help shape the first ever Bury Adult Social Care Sensory Impairment Strategy.
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    NHS Greater Manchester is reviewing the number of times people can access NHS funded IVF treatment across Greater Manchester.
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    Do you have questions about what Healthwatch does? Want to know what we do with your feedback, or how you can help improve health and social care services? Watch our video to find out.