Did you use NHS 111?

NHS 111 is now the recommended first step whenever you might need urgent treatment or A&E. We want to know how that has worked for those who have used it.
A picture of a person making a call on a mobile phone

Since December, NHS England has been running a campaign called NHS 111 First. It is to encourage members of the public to call NHS 111 before attending A&E or seeking urgent medical care, to ensure they are directed to the most appropriate service.

For the first time, callers to NHS 111 can now receive a pre-booked timeslot to attend their local A&E, as well as receive a same-day appointment booking at the GP and some other urgent health services. This aims to reduce waiting times at emergency departments and limit the number of people in waiting rooms to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

We want to know how this service is working out for those using it. Has it worked well? What was your experience like? What could be done better?

Please take a few moments to fill out our survey and your experiences can help to feedback on how to make things better for those that need it in the future.