How to protect yourself in the hot weather this summer

North West Ambulance Service (NWAS) would like to share some key tips on how you can keep safe in the hot weather.
people in the sun on deckchairs
  • Drinking plenty of fluids and avoid excess alcohol, everyone is at risk of dehydration in hot temperatures, but babies, children and older people are particularly vulnerable.
  • Staying cool indoors: open windows when the air feels cooler outside than inside; shade or cover windows exposed to direct sunlight; move to a cooler part of the house, especially for sleeping.
  • Slowing down when it is hot: exertion heats up our bodies so plan any strenuous activities (e.g. exercise, gardening) outside the hottest time of the day, typically 11am – 3pm.
  • Cooling your skin with water, you could use a cool wet sponge or flannel, cool water spray, cold packs around the neck and armpits, or a cool, wet sheet.
  • Staying connected and listening to the weather forecast, knowing the forecast can help you plan ahead and adapt what you’re doing.
  • Dressing appropriately for the weather, protect yourself against the sun’s radiation and keep yourself cool by wearing thin cotton clothes.
  • Eating smaller meals, more often. Cold salads and fruit are the perfect summer foods. 

For more information on the common signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heatstroke visit, you can visit :

NHS Choices 

The Heatwave and Summer preparedness programme of the Heatwave Plan for England  became operational from Tuesday 1 June 2021 which aims to raise both public and professional awareness of the health impacts of hot weather, including severe heat.

n online webinar, which is free to attend is taking place on Thursday 17th June at 2.30pm-4.00pm. This webinar is intended for local authorities, community groups and third sector organisations, particularly those working with elderly or vulnerable people. It will detail how they can prepare for hot weather this coming summer and communicate messages on heat & health to vulnerable people, their carers and families. Representatives from PHE and Met office will be presenting at the webinar on how we can protect ourselves and others in a heatwave.

For more details and how to book a place, please visit:

Local Government Association